If you want to put our banner on your site, you can use one of these: |
Static |
Animated |
HTML source:
<a href="http://ipacct.com/"><img src="http://ipacct.com/p/ban-88x31.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0></a> |
HTML source:
<a href="http://ipacct.com/"><img src="http://ipacct.com/p/ban-88x31ani.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0></a> |
Static |
Animated |
HTML source:
<a href="http://ipacct.com/"><img src="http://ipacct.com/p/ban-230x50.gif" width=230 height=50 border=0></a> |
HTML source:
<a href="http://ipacct.com/"><img src="http://ipacct.com/p/ban-230x50ani.gif" width=230 height=50 border=0></a> |
HTML source:
<a href="http://ipacct.com/"><img src="http://ipacct.com/p/ban-468x60.gif" width=468 height=60 border=0></a> |
HTML source:
<a href="http://ipacct.com/"><img src="http://ipacct.com/p/ban-468x60ani.gif" width=468 height=60 border=0></a> |